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Frandsen, Jon.

Jeffords Shift Touches Off Major Earthquake on Capitol Hill / Jon Frandsen. - Gannett News Service (Syndicate), 2001. - SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Article 29. Global Issues, 1522-3221; .

This MARC record contains two articles. Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Originally Published: Jeffords Shift Touches Off Major Earthquake on Capitol Hill, May 24, 2001; pp. n.p.. Originally Published: bush Strategist Gets Heat for Jeffords' Departure, May 24, 2001; pp.

JEFFORDS SHIFT TOUCHES OFF MAJOR EARTHQUAKE ON CAPITOL HILL -- "Sen. Jim Jeffords said in Burlington, Vt., that his differences with fellow Republicans and President Bush had progressed to where continued allegiance would turn him into 'something I am not.' Therefore, he said, he would abandon his lifelong allegiance to the Republican party and become an Independent, creating a new Senate led by incoming Majority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota and a team of Democrats committed to moderating Bush's conservative agenda." (GANNETT NEWS SERVICE) This article examines how Jefford's decision will reshape the American political landscape and cites reasons why Jeffords became an Independent. Also included is speculation regarding who should assume responsibility for this shake-up in Washington. BUSH STRATEGIST GETS HEAT FOR JEFFORDS' DEPARTURE -- "After Sen. Jim Jeffords' defection from the Republican Party on Thursday [May 24, 2002], a lot of people were asking: Why didn't Karl Rove see it coming and do something to prevent it?" (USA TODAY) This article lays blame for Jeffords defection on George W. Bush's political strategist, Karl Rove, and describes the public's reaction to the defection.


Jeffords, Jim.

United States. Congress.
United States. Republican Party.

Public opinion polls.
Education and state.
Party affiliation.



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