Robelen, Erik W.

Senate Backs 'Full Funding' of Special Ed.. / Erik W. Robelen. - Education Week, 2001. - SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Article 14. Institutions, 1522-3256; .

Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2002. Originally Published: Senate Backs 'Full Funding' of Special Ed., May 9, 2001; pp. 1+.

"The federal government would pump up to $181 billion into special education over the next 10 years, under a provision the Senate adopted last week [May 3, 2001] just hours after it began deliberations on the Elementary and Secondary Education Act." (EDUCATION WEEK) This article defines amendment provisions that would "shift IDEA (the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) funding from the discretionary to the mandatory side of the federal budget and increase such spending by nearly $2.5 billion annually over the next six years.".


United States. Elementary and Secondary Education Act, 1965.
United States. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

Federal aid to education.
Special education.
