Fairbank, Katie,

Pharmacists' Refusal to Fill Contraception Prescriptions a Question.... Katie Fairbank. - Dallas Morning News, 2005. - SIRS Enduring Issues 2006. Article 13, Human Relations, 1522-3248; .

Articles Contained in SIRS Enduring Issues 2006. Originally Published: Pharmacists' Refusal to Fill Contraception Prescriptions a Question..., April 28, 2005; pp. n.p..

"More than three decades after the Supreme Court held that it is a woman's constitutional right to have an abortion, the fight rages on. Now, it's moved into the local drugstore....On one side of this latest battle are pharmacists who refuse to fill prescriptions for birth control on ethical and religious grounds. They particularly oppose such medications as the 'morning-after' pill, an emergency contraceptive that can prevent fertilization if taken within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse....On the other side are reproductive-rights groups pushing for access to the drugs. And there are others concerned that pharmacists might refuse to dispense a wide range of prescribed medicine, not just birth control. Last year [2004], a Dallas pharmacist refused to fill a child's prescription for Ritalin." (DALLAS MORNING NEWS) This article examines both sides of the issue of whether pharmacists have the right to deny filling a prescription on moral grounds.


Birth control
Contraceptive drugs
Prescription drugs
Women's rights
